Her stats at 11 days were -
Height : 22 inches
Weight : 9 lbs. 9 oz.
Head Circumference : 37 cm
Her stats today at one month, 3 days are -
Height : 23 1/4 inches
Weight : 11 lbs. 8 oz.
Head Circumference : 39 cm
She is in the 90th percentile on height and weight and the 75th percentile on head circumference. Overall, there is nothing wrong with the little princess. Everything looks great.
The doctor did suggest to start her on a vitamin supplement to give her more vitamin D. He said that normally, breast-fed babies are deficient because the breast milk doesn't have enough. What have y'all heard? I am not going to run out and get the stuff without researching. Other moms, have you done this or heard about it??? Let me know.
I caught Madalyn sucking her thumb yesterday when I went to wake her from her nap. :)
WOW, she is growing. She is a so beautiful. Mer, you didn't weigh that much until you were over 2 months old, but you were longer at 1 month. On the Vitamin D, I have not heard of that. None of you ever took it as infants, but that's not to say it can't happen. Research is good. Tell Adrienne to ask her mid-wives. I am sure they probably know.
Give my little darlin a kiss from her grandmother.......
Congrats, She is doing so well. As far as the Vit D, I have never heard anything like that. Do your research and follow your mommy gut.
What if you took a vitamin D supplement? Would it not have the same effect?
Never heard of it. You can get Vitamin D by being in the sun. You can take your sweet girl and lay in the sun for 10 minutes and get all you both need.
I love that baby girl! Super exciting that she found her beloved thumb. You will love that! I don't care what anyone says about thumb-sucking. If you don't freak out over it, they probably will stop doing it on their own. Jackers sucks his less and less as the days go on. But let me tell you what beauty it was for my little high maintenance screamer when he could self-soothe without me stuffing a pacifier in his mouth.
About the Vitamin D - Jackson nursed until he was 2. I never gave him Vitamin D and I've never heard of this before in any breastfeeding book I ever read. I will ask the midwives, but I don't think you need to supplement. God made breastmilk. He didn't intend for supplementation. If they needed extra, He would have put it in there. He put everything our babies need in our breastmilk. That's my opinion!
She is getting so big already and she is just too cute! Love the pictures, Lyndon never really sucked his thumb but he loves his soothie paci. Also I'm still breastfeeding and I fed him only breastmilk for the first 6mths no other food what so ever and he is health and doing great! I've never heard of anyone giving there infant vitamins. That's nuts. Your sisters right God made breastmilk for our childrens nurishment and he would have left anything out. Anyways, thanks for keeping us posted. Love ya, Steph
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