Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dr's Appointment

Before I forget...here is the update from my Dr.'s Appointment from yesterday.

I lost 2 lbs. I have gained 14 lbs. throughout the entire pregnancy.

My blood pressure was good.

The baby's heartbeat sound good.

I had the Group B Strep test done...results to follow.

The baby has plenty of amniotic fluid and she is growing great. The Dr. guesstimated that she is weighing in at 7 - 7.5 lbs. already.

FOUR weeks to go!...if she doesn't grace us with her presence sooner.

love to all,


Kim H. said...

Any idea how you lost two pounds? :-) That's like living the dream at 9 months pregnant, right?

I'm happy to hear everything went well... did they give you any indication as to if you might have her early? I know that they can't really tell exactly when, but I've heard people sometimes say that they thought that they'd make it to their due date and others where they didn't.

Benita said...

My granddaughter is going to make a grand entrance and be in 3 months size clothes when she is born. No newborn clothes for her. At this rate she could be 9lbs. Tell her I said to take it easy on her Mommie, because she is my baby girl.....love mother

Chrissy said...

you're a real trooper... I never realized how short and long pregnancy can feel all at the same time. Bless you and your little one!

Anonymous said...

Them carn fid babies up theer in that there Arkeensaw come out beeeg doon't they?? OOOOH girl...labor is going to be fun! LOL

seriously...i'm SO excited for you guys...the world can always use a little more pink to brighten it up :)

<3 Renee

Anonymous said...

oh yeah and...
1. I am super jealous of you for only gaining 14 lbs. We won't talk about the mexican food, I mean pounds...I packed on.

2. Isn't that strep B test furn??

and 3. Pray you don't have it becuase OMG shooting straight penicillin into your veins BURNS LIKE THE FIRES OF HELL!!

ps- ok it's probably not THAT bad, but it did kind of hurt...

<3 Renee

oh and pss- sorry about all these anonymous comments, but I was too lazy to sign into my blog...

that is all.